Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino Does ‘Men’s Fitness’ Magazine

Jersey Shore phenom and Dancing with the Stars loser Mike The Situation Sorrentino is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Men’s Fitness magazine. As you can see, The Situation looks about as confused as to why he is on the cover of Men’s Fitness as I am … [...]

On Monday we got to see some pretty incredible photos of Tom Cruise filming a very intense and dangerous stunt on the world’s tallest building on the Dubai set of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol … and today we get to check out a couple more photos of Tom in action. While the photos we saw previously were snapped from afar, these new photos were snapped up close and personal:

There were some who did not believe that it was actually Tom Cruise that we saw in the photos before but there is no denying, it’s definitely him. These cool photos were snapped from inside the Burj Kahlifa building while Tom filmed his M:I 4 scenes. I gotta say, I’m still really damn impressed that Tom would choose to do this sort of very dangerous stunt work himself … that being said, I’ve always suspected that Tom was a little nuts — this is proof positive.

[Photo credit: Splash News]

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